madstalk commented on a list

"Wow, great comments! Kind of makes me actually want to finally finish my slog through the 80s winners to see how you rank them."
11 years, 6 months ago
madstalk commented on a list

"I'd actually jump Lawrence up to 1 or 2 after a recent rewatch. Maybe I'll give Tom Jones another whirl sometime far down the road."
11 years, 6 months ago
madstalk commented on a list

"Tough call but De Niro is more versatile then Pacino and I think his best performance can stand with Pacino's best."
13 years, 7 months ago
madstalk commented on a list

"1. Danny Boyle 2. Wes Anderson 3. Franics Ford Coppola 4. Robert Wise 5. Alfred Hitchcock 6. Billy Wilder 7. Paul Thomas Anderson 8. John Huston 9. Frank Capra 10. Steven Spielberg"
13 years, 10 months ago
madstalk commented on a list

"I loved School of Rock, but c'mon...School of Rock vs comparison"
14 years, 10 months ago